Body Language Tips

1. Sit properly. Sit upright but in a relaxed fashion leaning slightly forward at about a 10 to 15 degree angle towards the interviewer. It's the first thing gives an automatic signal of assurance and confidence. This sends the message that you are an interested and involved candidate.

2. Use hand gestures while speaking. When your palms are up, it signals honesty and engagement. The limbic brain picks up the positivity, which will make the interviewer comfortable. Fiddling with hair, face or neck sends the message of anxiety and uncertainty. Body language experts agree that touching the nose, lips or ears can signal that the candidate is lying.

3. Don't cross your arms . Folding arms across the chest suggests a defensive type of position. It sends the message that the candidate is feeling threatened and ill-at-ease and is shutting the interviewer out. It can also send the message that the candidate does not agree with or buy into what the interviewer is saying.

4. Place both feet on the floor. Crossing feet at the ankles or placing them both flat on the floor sends a message of confidence and professionalism. Jiggling or moving the legs creates an irritating distraction and indicates nervousness. Resting an ankle on the opposite knee looks arrogant and too casual, crossing the legs high up appears defensive.
There's also a scientific benefit to keeping your feet grounded. "It’s not impossible, but it’s difficult to answer highly complex questions unless both of your feet are on the ground," Wood says. In layman's terms, planted feet can help you go between creative thought and highly complex rational thought.

5. Maintain direct eye contact. Keeping direct eye contact with the interviewer indicates active listening and interest. Eyes that dart around suggest dishonesty. Looking down gives the impression of low self-esteem. A more effective way to ensure you look interested and engaged is to look different parts of someone's face every two seconds, rotating from eyes, to nose, to lips, so you're never just drilling into the interviewer's eyes.

6. Nod your head while listening. Aside from keeping eye and face contact, nodding your head while listening is an additional way to show attentiveness. Nod your head occasionally to let them know you are enjoying and understand what is being said.

7. Breathe deeply, and speak on the exhale. One way to soothe interview nerves is to breathe properly. Glass recommends inhaling when the interviewer asks you a question, then speaking on the exhale, following the air flow. Pursing the lips or twisting them sideways shows disapproval of what is being heard. Biting your lips suggests nervousness. Try to relax your mouth.


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